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LlamaIndex provides one-click observability 🔭 to allow you to build principled LLM applications in a production setting.

A key requirement for principled development of LLM applications over your data (RAG systems, agents) is being able to observe, debug, and evaluate your system - both as a whole and for each component.

This feature allows you to seamlessly integrate the LlamaIndex library with powerful observability/evaluation tools offered by our partners. Configure a variable once, and you'll be able to do things like the following:

  • View LLM/prompt inputs/outputs
  • Ensure that the outputs of any component (LLMs, embeddings) are performing as expected
  • View call traces for both indexing and querying

Each provider has similarities and differences. Take a look below for the full set of guides for each one!


OpenLLMetry is an open-source project based on OpenTelemetry for tracing and monitoring LLM applications. It connects to all major observability platforms and installs in minutes.

Usage Pattern

npm install @traceloop/node-server-sdk
import * as traceloop from "@traceloop/node-server-sdk";

apiKey: process.env.TRACELOOP_API_KEY,
disableBatch: true,